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Insights of the Day


Purpose of Thinking Big (and Why Think about Money!)

Hi, My name is Ken, creator of this blog, "Think Big & Think Money!". Feel free to read about my background in the profile. I will provide a summary at the end of this post that lists the takeaways, and I will do the same for every post in the future. (I think the picture fits exactly what my blog is all about, credit goes to "rossgram" from Flickr.)

Let's get started! 

So, Why Think Big?  Because you're really bigger and better than you think! Why would you rather stay little and powerless when you know that you can do better than this and live the lifestyle you've always wanted to live and do the things you've always wanted to do? I know this well, as I talk to my friends and family, and as people grow, they realize that they need to do something more meaningful than what they're doing now. They want to start a business, get a beautiful girlfriend, get a new job that they like, etc. But they never got started because they didn't think they could! Unfortunate, but true, and it's happening everywhere -- the person sitting next to you, your neighbor, and maybe yourself...

And you know what, all the successful and rich people in this world have essentially disagreed everything under the sun, except this -- you become what you think about. It's simple truth, and I learnt that through a "Six Minutes to Success" program by Bob Proctor, a great motivational teacher, author, entrepreneur. {Feel free to sign up through me by clicking on the banner on this blog, it has a 7-day trial and I totally won't even bother cancelling it!}

Come, let us explore this secret of success together, and if we hit bumps along the way, we can always stand back up and do it again. As no successful person in this world has never failed along his or her way to finding the gold mine of success, I don't foresee myself, or yourself, to succeed in everything without setbacks, or failures. It's part of life and as long as we learn from them and be courageous enough to continue the journey, obstacles will only be things we see we take our eyes off the goal, as Zig Ziglar put it perfectly.

You might wonder, "Okay, thinking big makes sense now, but what about think money?!". Alright, this is both a personal investment and a motivational blog. I believe they go hand in hand, because I'm not just going to write about the ways to invest our money in stocks and mutual funds, but also ways to live free from the boundaries of paychecks. I'm only writing based on the teachings of the books I read, and most of the authors, if not all, are very successful people who have learnt the art of life. I'm simply sharing the ideas in this blog so that we can all benefit from them. Not everybody enjoys reading non-fiction bestsellers, although I do, so a great summary would be good enough so that you will have time to proceed through your life as usual, and drop by to check out what's new and how you might best use and apply in your daily lives.

1) Think Big! Because you become what you think about.
2) You might fail before you succeed. Just believe in yourself, stand back up, learn from the failures, and charge again!
3) I will summarize the main ideas from the great books that I read, and come up with suggestions so you could use them immediately!

I look forward to reading your thoughts, comments, or experiences!


  1. Good job, Ken!
    Your first posting is inspiring, indeed!
    Can't wait to learn more =)

  2. Thanks Forever Princess! I'm glad it inspired you, I hope I'll be able to make this world a better place by helping everyone to realize their potential, one person at a time!

