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Insights of the Day


#4: How to LOVE your job? Or STOP hating it.

(Picture by "Y" from Flickr)

I was waiting for my friend at Grand Central Terminal yesterday morning and I saw a cop standing guard in the NYPD booth in the building. People kept going to the booth and asking him for directions. That seemed like his only job all day. So, I started wondering if he liked working there at all. Did he hate his job? After all, his work could have been easily replaced by anyone who knew his or her way around the city (it's just like an information booth in Times Square!). 

But, I flipped my thinking and started thinking why he might like his job even though it seemed really boring. I found a few:
1) The intention of his work is the same - serving the public, no matter whether he's nabbing the villains or just guarding the terminal.
2) His presence there probably prevented at least one crime a day, a week, or a year. And it made all the difference because there was at least one less suffering in the world as a direct result of his presence. That's huge!
3) He got paid for it.

I remember watching Zig Ziglar's video lately on "Attitude makes all the difference." He talked about this lady who went to him complaining about how much she hates her job that it was destroying her life. Ziglar told her to take out a sheet of paper to write down "I like my job because..." followed by the reasons. Eventually, she came out with 22 things she liked about her job! 22! That includes getting paid for her work, 3 weeks paid vacation a year, retirement program, insurances, being given opportunities for growth, etc. And she talked about how she much she hated her job in the initial encounter with Ziglar, imagine that. We could definitely do the same if we were in her situation. 

So, do you love or hate your job? Do you wake up every day with enthusiasm knowing you will make a difference in yourself and the world or do you dread going to work every single moment? If you really dislike/hate your job, Zig Ziglar recommended these as well:
1) Look at the mirror and into your eyes (or the windows of the soul, I've always loved this phrase!)
2) Say with enthusiasm, "I love my job because...(followed by the reasons)!"
3) Do it once in the morning after you wake up, and once at night before you go to bed.

You will sleep better, and start your day with more energy than ever before! Hope this helps. In fact, if you have any tips and suggestions regarding this, feel free to drop your comments or send me an email at 


  1. Gees.. I never thought that I should try asking myself why I like my job. I'll try that tonight before I hit the sack! *excited* ^^

  2. Awesome! Let me know how it works out for you!

