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Insights of the Day


#2: Find your Purpose & Passion & the Reason to be Rich

(Picture created by peasap from Flickr)

What were you born here for? If you don't know the answer, you might want to say you were born to be a great swimmer. Why, you ask? Because we're all champions of the swimming competition participated by millions of our brothers and sisters (sperms)! In fact, my high school biology teacher told me that the distance would be equivalent to swimming from the UK to Malaysia (where I was born), which is about 6500 miles! So, champion, what's the purpose that you're doing what you're doing? Do you love what you're doing? Without a clear purpose, you'd be wandering aimlessly in your life, instead of living it to the fullest.

Put it another way, you might even be very successful at what you're doing, but if you're in the wrong direction, you might actually be worse off than you were at the start, because now you're many more steps further from your true destination.

So how do you find your purpose? To me, it comes from developing your passion. When you know what your passion is, you will have a better idea about what exactly what you want to live for. Successful people live with their passion. Delatorro McNeal said it well, "Donald Trump doesn't just like real estate, it's his passion. Tiger Woods doesn't just like golf, it's his passion." So, what is your passion? What would you be willing to do for the rest of your life, with all your heart and soul? Remember this, you've only got one life, one chance. Don't waste it! 

As usual, let's talk about money. I'm not rich yet, far from it. But I learnt this from those who are rich: you gotta have a reason for wanting to get rich. Maybe your dream is to travel all over the world without having to worry about the credit card bills that come haunting you after; maybe your dream is to retire young and unwind at the Hawaiian beach whenever you feel it. Whatever it is, you'd better have a good reason. After all, money is only an idea. It's the dream behind it that matters. 

So now you have reason, what's next? Napoleon Hill said, "Decide on the exact amount of money you want." Because you and I know it well, money is NEVER enough. If you do not set the target amount, you will never be truly rich because you'll be a slave to getting more money! And we want to be the masters of money, not slaves. We want the money to work for us, not the other way round. 

So, are you living with your purpose, passion, and reason? Share your story!

1) Find your purpose. Find your passion.
2) Know the reason why you want to get rich. Then decide on the exact amount you want to earn. 

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